The SDGs are a global compact to reduce poverty and create a better world. America Movil (AMX) is committed to these objectives. It has numerous programs that support the SDGs. As an example, it has launched (with GSMA) the project “Weaving the Recovery”.
We chose two poor indigenous rural localities in Mexico that had no connectivity. We used an offline version of the Digital Education Platform “Aprende”, developed by the Carlos Slim Foundation, to provide free training on digital abilities, commerce, health and education. AMX donated tablets with this preloaded content. AMX also trained indigenous women weavers on how to use the device and how to navigate within the platform. Courses included digital marketing, e-commerce and export plan. Weavers were eager to learn. Having a Platform Certificate became a motivator. After training in their rural localities, they were periodically taken to community centers with free broadband connectivity to access the web, promote their weaving products and revise purchase orders. Their income has increased. They also used connectivity for better health and general e-education.
This project not only supported several of the SDGs, but also attended the three gaps: the infrastructure gap, the adoption gap and the meaningful use gap. It is an impactful project of digital inclusion, which significantly increased welfare. Like many other initiatives of AMX, it will be scaled up.