Our Work
Advocating for Universal Connectivity for over Ten Years
Since its inception, the Broadband Commission has been dedicated to bringing the importance of broadband to the international policy agenda. With a legacy of over 150 Commissioners representing different sectors, regions and priorities, The Commission works together to define practical ways in which countries — at all stages of development — can achieve resilient and meaningful connectivity, in cooperation with the private sector.

The Broadband Commission meets twice annually to discuss the state of broadband, the work of the Commission, and next steps for meetings its established goals.

Commissioner Insights
Commissioner Insights are a snapshot into the work of each Commissioner both in their capacity with the Commission and with their primary organization.

Policy Recommendations
Published annually in the State of Broadband, these policy recommendations are critical to realizing universal connectivity.

Working Group Research
Working Groups convene industry leaders, government officials and civil society to address broadband access, affordability and use.