Broadband Commissioners at the 2023 World Economic Forum Meeting in Davos

Last week, world leaders, industry experts, civil society representatives and many Broadband Commissioners gathered at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the status and approach to solving the world’s biggest challenges under the theme “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”.

Connectivity and technology were woven throughout nearly all themes discussed at the Meeting, identifying broadband as a fundamental element to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as underlined in the Manifesto of the Broadband Commission,

Broadband Commissioners, leaders and representatives were featured throughout the week at more than a dozen different speaker sessions, touching on topics like cyberspace, technology for a resilient world, the future of work, climate challenges and digital solutions, and much more.

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Broadband Commissioners Sign MoU to Improve Connectivity for MSMEs

In an effort to address the digital divide faced by MSMEs in developing countries, the Co-Chairs of the Working Group on Connectivity for MSMEs—Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the ITC and Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA—have recently signed an MoU. This new partnership aims to turn the key recommendations from the Commission Working Group’s outcome report, “Making Connectivity Work for MSMEs,” into actionable initiatives.